A Cherry on Top Crafts was initiated in a little shoebox full of stickers over 20 years ago. In days gone by the stickers came in the form of long rolls and had to be ripped off by hands. With the name “Shoe Box Stickers Galore Inc., it built and managed out in Kristin’s basement. From there the company outspread and relocated three times finally settled in the current warehouse sited in Saginaw, Michigan. It augmented the new name “A Cherry on Top” and a variety of craft products finally fulminated. ACOT now holds thousands of products including papercrafts, general craft, needle arts, sewing and quilting supplies, art supplies, and much more.

Why the Cherries?

The stimulus behind this name “A Cherry on Top” came because ACOT loves the idea of being the last tiny piece of your project and the last final step of yours concluding something alluring.

Unlike sweet cherry on top of the sundae. Assuredly, ACOT pleases to assist you to originate your own project or inclines you with itself struck in the middle of one tool. It loves when you share your projects, plans, or ideas with it. You can reach them through chat, message boards, and by signing up for the free newsletter. If you are local you can collect your order from the warehouse.

Product Range:

It has much to offer you from Arts and Crafts World. From art supplies, needlecrafts, paper crafts, planners, and organization to Seasonal and party stuff.

Payment Methods:

  • MasterCard
  • VISA
  • Amazon Pay
  • Pay Pal
